How To and How Not To Comment Blog Posts or Articles

The comments sections in the blogs are usually a great asset, but sometimes commenting as a spammer can damage your reputation as blogger or author.

The HashTag Magazine
3 min readOct 26, 2020

This is because unlike static websites, blogs or blog sites are traditionally discussions- friendly, which can also be advantageous for both sides, the blogger and the commentator, for the reasons of SEO.

The one who comments and participates in a discussion can get a link to his page and thus can draw attention to himself.

On another hand, the blogger receives valuable user-generated content, which is good especially for the ranking for long tail search terms.

If done well blogs commenting can be beneficial for both sides.

While SEO should not be the primary reason why you write a comment, this is often the case, and some people make it a bit easy.

If you have comments to dust off a link, then please think about the other side, and you should try a little bit and be more creative on how to do it professionally.

In this blog post today I would like to share few basic rules that I adhere to and in my opinion, should be followed by anyone who is in a role of a blog commentator and a blog owner.

As you will read later, these sentences or bits are nothing more than a simple list of ethics and “common sense” rules.

First I’ll start with what I think are the DON’Ts of leaving comments on blogs.

Note: I tend to be critical in unlocking comments, but if done well, I also leave comments that are useful for SEO purposes. However, sometimes I get pretty stupid comments that are not beneficial to the commentator, other readers or to me.

What are the DON’Ts when commenting on a blog?

Don’t leave Keywords in the Name field

You are welcome to use your pseudonym or abbreviation of your names, as I do sometimes, but keywords are not allowed.

When you don’t follow this rule and you are unlucky, your comment flies out completely.

Don’t use Deep Links

It is awful enough if shops or company websites get their comments via blog posts and their content does not fit together.

Deep Links in the URL fields do not work, and Google does not like that, hence avoid doing it.

Don’t make clumsy advertising

Advertising of your blog, services or products is not allowed unless it has something to do with the article and is helpful for the readers’ further information.

At the End

I trust the given above simple tips will help you to maintain a professional approach when commenting blogs or articles and keep the friendly relationship with other readers or authors.



The HashTag Magazine

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