The ultimate tips to achieve more by doing less

Bringing the Wu Wei method of non-action into your daily life: it involves stopping reacting on the fly, letting balance restore itself.

The HashTag Magazine
5 min readApr 8, 2022

If you have never heard of Wu Wei then you should know that this means — in Chinese — non-doing or ‘doing nothing’. Here we share 16 ultimate tips that will help you to achieve more…by doing less.

16 ultimate tips that will help you to achieve more by doing less

1.Let the emotions cool

Hasty actions that are taken hot then have a great cost in personal relationships and in the form of time.

Therefore, a Chinese proverb advises: “Never write a letter when you are angry” since emotions pass, but the words and actions that come out of us remain in the memory of others.

2.Understand the value of non-share

Not acting in times of crisis does not mean passivity or conformity. It’s accepting that this is not the right time to fix things.

Like the Taoist sages, we do not allow the rest of the world to relocate naturally, so that many times the problem is



The HashTag Magazine

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